Our K-5 classrooms utilize the newly revised North Caroline State Standards in order to teach your children. Just like our Literacy classes, we believe in rigorous, active engagement! Students will use manipulatives, as well as technology to support their learning. Linked below are the revised math standards.
All K-5 students will be administered the iReady Math Benchmark Diagnostic at each appropriate benchmark period. 3rd - 5th grade students will be administered state benchmarks as well as the End-of-Grade assessments.
Data from the iReady benchmarks, as well as monthly growth monitoring assessments help inform instruction in the area of math.
K-5 Math Standards
All K-5 students will be administered the iReady Math Benchmark Diagnostic at each appropriate benchmark period. 3rd - 5th grade students will be administered state benchmarks as well as the End-of-Grade assessments.
Data from the iReady benchmarks, as well as monthly growth monitoring assessments help inform instruction in the area of math.
K-5 Math Standards